You must run your game in Fullscreen Windowed mode.
1920x1080 is optimal
larger resolutions are supported
If your resolution isn’t listed here, please contact me through the contact page form.
Cap your game's Frame Rate and test, then go up from there.
IE: ~120Fps
Turn off Screen Space Shadows (Huge improvement likely)
Turn off Screen Space Reflections (Huge improvement likely)
Volumetric Lighting Quality - off or low
Clutter Draw Distance - low/near
Sun Shadow Cascades (set to lowest or off)
Distant Level of Detail - play with settings to see what makes most sense. In COD MP, this can be low for example.
Motion / Gun Blur - off.
Game resolution. 1920x1080 should give very good FPS with the above settings adjusted.
NVIDIA DLSS - set to Performance and test
Fortnite: DirectX 12 or better gives DRASTIC improvement in FPS overall.
Fortnite: Shadows - play with lower settings if you really want shadows in the game.
Anything having to do with Post processing is going to impact overall performance of the game, these adjustments are suggested for the avid gamer to the pro player. So, you can decide whether or not you really want/need any settings that have to do with Post processing. Also consider the resolution you play at. If it's at 3k+, you might have to balance these settings with ADS.
"The human eye is capable of seeing a wide range of frame rates, from as low as 12 FPS to over 1000 FPS. However, the actual frame rate that we perceive depends on a number of factors, including the size and movement of objects on the screen, the level of contrast between different objects, and our own individual physiology. That said, research suggests that the average person can perceive a maximum frame rate of around 60-70 FPS." (Web Source)